Kamatoto (かまとと - Playing Innocent)

Feb 21, 2019 20:45

When someone (especially a woman) pretends she does not know something even if she knows it well, we call her 'kamatoto' (かまとと).

'Kama' (かま) is short for 'kamaboko' (かまぼこ - "boiled fish paste"), and 'toto' (とと) is a baby word to mean "fish."

'Kamaboko' is the common Japanese food made from fish paste.

However, in the Edo period, a prostitute said in a very artificial way "かまぼこ was made from とと?" to pretend she was ignorant of the world.

It is said that the word 'kamatoto' was borne from the story.





No. 1 jeemeegee's correction
  • When someone (especially a woman) pretends she does not know something even if she knows it well, we call her 'kamatoto' (かまとと).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Kama' (かま) is short for 'kamaboko' (かまぼこ - "boiled fish paste"), and 'toto' (とと) is a baby word to mean "fish."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Kamaboko' is the common Japanese food made from fish paste.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, in the Edo period, a prostitute said in a very artificial way "かまぼこ was made from とと?" to pretend she was ignorant of the world.
  • However, in the Edo period, a prostitute said in a very artificial way "かまぼこ was made from とと?" to pretend she was ignorant of the world.
     This is just a recommendation. Nothing is wrong with this sentence:
    ".. a prostitute inquire in a very innocent way .."
  • It is said that the word 'kamatoto' was borne from the story.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Very good :)
Thank you so much for the correction! :)